The Weekly Digest Jan 15
I wanted to have space in the week, where I could just put out an article that has almost no direction at all. I will be calling it the weekly digest. In here, I will get to share some of my private thoughts, that never made it on the blog, and doesn’t look like “content”. I have a few directions in mind, but I am not sure the one that would work the best.
1/ Taking a cue from Tarzan Kay
Over the last year, I have been subscribed to Tarzan, who has an email marketing business. And I read all her e-mails. Yet, I never subscribed to her courses (sucks! I know!). But in her emails, I have found it most profound how she shares tidbits of her life in a short readable email. I enjoyed it so much. From learning about her fears, to how she’s dealing with a separation, I felt very attached to her and the conversational style of her emails made me feel like I knew her.
I thought I should do something like this. I should learn to share bits of myself without oversharing. It’s something that intrigues me a lot. Yesterday she sent out this email, that I found most profound. She talked about how she started working out a lot last year because she started seeing herself as naturally athletic. She embodied this identity. And then challenged us; what if all *you* needed to do to get more emails written this year was a simple shift in perspective wherein you saw yourself as a naturally gifted writer?
I am looking to unleash my inner Tarzan, and come through as the naturally gifted writer that I am.
2/ Dealing with a sick Parent
My mother has been unwell. I have not talked about it publicly anywhere, so this feels oddly private and intrusive. It feels as though it’s a mistake to put out something like this on the internet. But this one particular thing has had a toll on me emotionally, and I have pondered, and worried about her a lot. She got admitted in hospital for about 5 days last week, she’s at home recovering now. The doctor say she had the Covid but recovered, however since she has underlying issues, it almost took her out. Yesterday I sat with her and helped her take her medicine. She seemed to not enjoy the process at all. She’s changed a little bit you see. Hates some of the drugs, and sometimes might refuse to eat the preferred “diet”. She would get stubborn about things that we all know would be beneficial for her. This has made me wonder about her, about me, about my mortality, about my son, and a myriad of things about life and the frailty of it all. But the good thing is that I am a religious man, and I find a lot of my strength in Christianity and the belief in God.
Now, maybe I should have talked about that last, because, it has taken away my energy to keep writing this weekly digest, so let me grab a cup of coffee and come back.
3/ Contribution is the name of the Game
I wrote this on my notes
“ Life is so unforgiving to people who bring nothing to the table. Contribution is the name of the game.”
then followed up with
“Success is rigged toward creators not consumers!”
The idea of “contribution” is something that I have thought about a lot, and it continues to influence my leadership ethos, how I think of the roles that I play in life, and the way I show up. I believe whole-heartedly in this premise that for you to be successful, you need to have a habit of bringing something to the table.
I think people who share more, create more, and put themselves in a place of giving, in general get more out of life than people who take take take! It’s good to be conscious about this, generally in your life.
While I have thought about my new year and how I want to keep showing up moving onwards, this is a gigantic theme in my life. To look for, and jump on opportunities for contribution. In there is growth, network, and everything I want in life.
It’s still somewhat vague all the ways I shall make a contribution, but I am making headway towards it.
4/ Why Do Family-Owned Businesses eventually fail?
I have pondered on this topic this week a lot. I think it has to do with me re-reading “The E-Myth”. I have gotten some new thoughts on how to run a small business, as well as thought about some of the challenges that running businesses without systems and processes pose. I think it’s the norm rather than the exception that Family businesses are under tight systems, policies and processes. People just push and make headway, but never take time to think how it might scale beyond them.
I think over 90% of Kenya family owned businesses, small or not, are run this way, and I think it’s a huge problem for longevity and legacy. I have some new thoughts on running a small business that I am looking forward to sharing here soon. Watch out for some of those articles. I also think, the topic, small business, is now of big importance to me and I have been reading, thinking, and writing a lot about that.
5/ My new year new me energy is quickly fading away.
This morning, I woke up and thought, it’s already past the half of the first month of the new year, and as much as I had massive energy especially after new year’s, I was surprised to note that, I started feeling less exuberant. As I have grown, I have started being keen to how I feel, and it’s important to me that I re-align accordingly.
Anyways, I had an amazing family shoot this week, that invigorated my senses. I can never understate the value of how a good piece of outfit and a photoshoot can make you feel like a star.
6/ I prefer Writing
I prefer to share my thoughts using the written word. But I would like to be better at speaking all these things. Maybe in future I can be writing out my digest and then reading it out, to get better at communication.
7/ Resources Dump.
This is the original idea I thought my weekly digest would start looking like. I have consumed a lot of content around the internet over the last two weeks, I thought I might begin a habit where I share some of the most profound ones, or the ones that sent me down a rabbit hole.
- The Mwango Capital Podcast
So, I have listened to every episode of the Mwango Capital podcast starting near the end of 2021 into the new year, and I have been greatly fascinated by it. Especially because I care greatly about the Kenyan business landscape, and to find a podcast that has Kenyan business leaders is really refreshing and contributes a lot to how I think now.
I had such an appetite for access to the thoughts of leaders in the Kenyan business space and this has done it for me.
Episode 16: On the Potato War
I enjoyed this one. I listened to it just a few days ago so it’s still very fresh on my mind. One of the key takeaways for me in the conversation that was going on, was the depth of knowledge, skill and insight the people in the conversation had about the industry. As well as challenges, solutions, and what is happening in the market place. I remember this episode challenging my mind to think better, know my numbers, and engage in better research about the challenges that we face as a nation in different industries as well as how I can offer some of my solutions.
2. The Lex Fridman Podcast
This is a top podcast because Lex interviews some of the top minds in science, engineering, philosophy and even history. It’s a fascinating thing quite honestly.
One thing about this podcast that I have come to enjoy so much, is that the long form nature of the show allows people to talk about issues that span just the field of study of the person being interviewed. For a long time, I felt like the internet limits how we can express ourselves, because we can only show up a certain way while there are many angles to us. We are human, not just our jobs or careers. This is an important theme for me, and if you have read anything from me, you can see it in all my writing.
It’s great to consume it on the morning walk, or in the evening preparing for bed. Or during the day when I am doing tasks that do not require my heavy attention. It gives my mind something to hold on to and really challenge my thoughts, beliefs and how I see the world.
The latest podcast I listened to was with Ray Dalio. I was fascinated by his mind. By his knowledge of history, where we are now, and the mental models he uses to make decisions.
One of the key lessons also in listening to these thinkers and inventors is the sheer name dropping, suggesting that maybe to make considerable head-way in an organization id yo know the people doing the work, and to build upon it or to ask for collaboration.
I recommend this podcast to any curious mind out there. It really is a gold mine.
3. Why your organization is still not data driven . 10 reasons why. This is a link!
An article from forbes dot com
I have been curious about adding a lot of data and metrics in my business, and organizations i am involved with this week. I learned about how organizations use data as a competitive advantage, and I am now learning about how I can add that new skillset to my bag.
3 more podcasts I have listened to this week, include, The Craig Grochel leadership Podcast, 2 Bobs Podcast, with David C Baker & Blair Enns, and Build a Better Agency Podcast. They have all had significant impact in my life.
4. The E-myth Revisited Free Audio Book On YouTube.
Can you believe that I found and listened to a free audio book all on youtube? On Monday I went to the shop to do some janitorial work. And I was working, cleaning and setting up the shop ( more about this in future) While I listened to the E-myth.
This book is really one of my favorite books on the planet just because of how revolutionary the ideas presented helped me to start thinking. I believe I am going to build great businesses because I started acting and moving like a real entrepreneur now.
That is something worth celebrating.
A whole lot more happened in my life this week obviously. I was so happy to publish about 4 articles on this medium blog. Something tells me I am a gifted writer and I can share a lot of value through this.
I’m looking forward to finding out more about myself and my life through this journal. See you next week.