The Weekly Digest Feb 19

John Agadi Ochuro
2 min readFeb 19, 2022

Welcome to the Weekly Digest, where I share a bunch of private thoughts, lessons and resources.

Weekly Digest.

The last two weeks have been intense for me, diving into a new programming language with my new developer.

That’s the story. I got a new developer on board. He’s a Laravel PHP ( a programming language) developer. As he got on to working on the project, I got to bringing in the project management and really thinking about the best way to do it. While he worked hard in figuring out the technology, I got to start figuring out what needs to be on the project.

Therefore my week has been spent on technical things. Learning technical things, and thinking about how to grow what I have now.

Honestly, I did not even have what to share with the world about what is happening.

The other week, I got my domain up and I am keen on sharing a lot of this new writing up on the website. Really amazing progress on this one.

I feel like this week I have been a really dope creator, and also programmer, because I have really struggled with the code, and it was breaking on every instance. You have no idea. I felt like dying a little every time something wasn’t working, and I wonder, if this is what real developers always go through.

I made a lot of incremental progress on my main areas of focus, including, getting back on building my GTD, Action Method Journal on Notion.

I have been a “productivity nerd” for a while on my internet esapades and life. From reading Scott Belsky’s Making Ideas happen and studying his process for making ideas come to life, to jumping into the deep end and reading Getting Things Done by David Allen.



John Agadi Ochuro

entrepreneur. creative & curious generalist. building @kroxstudio