The thing about Insight

How I felt like I have nothing to share with you.

John Agadi Ochuro
3 min readJan 4, 2022

Yesterday I mentioned that I have many unpublished drafts from last year. I took a look, and found they were 80 unpublished, incomplete posts. Whoa!

I pondered quite a bit, why I have never published these articles. They seem to be very significant to me, yet I cannot find a way of bringing them to light in my medium page. Here are some of my reasons.

A screenshot showing my Notion Writing Database with 80 incomplete, unpublished thoughts
  1. Things I learn seem to be inspired by random curiosity
  2. I learned writing has to offer some form of value to the reader. I was just learning, did not know how to translate this value to you.
  3. I was interested in a cacophony of things. Web development, Leadership, Writing, Small Business, Sales, Creativity. And this eclectic mix did not seem to be coherent with why one should write for the internet.
  4. I failed to see where I could be a thought leader, and my writing could make me a thought leader of sorts.
  5. Some of my thoughts were incomplete and only made sense to me months later on after I pondered more on the writing I had done. For example, as soon as I started reading about newsletters and internal communications, I took a deep dive into that subject area, read books, articles, watched videos, and subscribed to a ton of emails. However, I started really believing what I had read months later after I had implemented this internal communications system in my job. My initial insight was a hunch, not a conviction.
  6. I got interested in more topics, that I started having an opinion too. I thought about politics, about science and technology, about fatherhood and parenting, about leadership and entrepreneurship, and the list only kept growing. In return my insight kept feeling like it did not have a place on this platform — medium.
  7. I kept holding off till I got my personal domain, to really go hard and share these random thoughts on a gazillion of topics I thought I wanted to talk about.

It’s fascinating to want to grow as a writer and someone who regularly shares their thoughts and interests.

I realize that, I could have really just shared all these thoughts, incomplete or not, as it would have not added or removed from the person that I am, what I am doing, and who I am becoming.

One of my goals this year is to publish more. To publish things I believe in, things I almost believe in. Random thoughts that are top of mind for me to actually sit down and write something about etc.

That said, look out for more writing from me. This time unapologetic and unedited, and sometimes unfiltered.

img by me. 2019



John Agadi Ochuro
John Agadi Ochuro

Written by John Agadi Ochuro

entrepreneur. creative & curious generalist. building @kroxstudio

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