Learn Quick & Pivot
Thoughts on building a culture of learning into a business
Two statements I heard this week that reinforces some of these thoughts -
Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook on how to build the future video series that came out 6 years ago
“I think the key is building a company which is focused on learning as quickly as possible. Companies are learning organisms, and you can make decisions that either make it that you learn faster or you learn slower.”
Drew Mclellan on the Build a better agency podcast
the change in your agency will be an evolution, not a revolution.
I also heard another statement a few weeks ago from the 2Bobs podcast -
Strategy is autobiographical….
These three ideas have been food for thought for me today, and also to reinforce some of these things that I now believe to be gospel.
The Fire Hose of new Information!
In the process of starting my own business, I quickly learned just how much I did not know, and how much I was learning in the process, from online tools, blogs, YouTube videos and webinars. It was an incredible amount. Every where you turn, there seems to be a powerful new idea that I could infuse into my business and generate powerful returns.
It was during this process, of learning a lot, feeling the burden of the cognitive load that comes with learning new things and the overwhelming emotion of how to deploy that in your context, that it hit me; I will be doing this for all my years in business. Learning will be a constantly process for me to understand my business, my market place and to have all the necessary tools to make the right decisions.
Learning, Converting this knowledge into equity and competitive advantage, will be the modus operandi of building my organization. Since all my team mates will also need to have access to this new knowledge too, learning as a team, will be the modus operandi of my organization.
The E-myth Revisited Book
I mentioned in an earlier post this week about re reading this book, and how it revitalized my desire to build an organization that works.
Whenever you take it to work on your business and not on your business, it hits you just how much you don’t know. There are some things you will never really know. But it needs to be your choice to find out about everything.
Welcome to KROXUniversity aka KroxU
I have taken the Liberties of starting a bootcamp in my business called KROXUniversity — which will be our knowledge base and how we grow in learning, sharing that knowledge and keeping tight processes of everything we do in our business.
Some Ideas I have around KroxU
- It will take time, therefore, some changes will be an evolution rather than a revolution
- Any decision is better than no decision.
- Knowledge needs to be shared openly and publicly (within your organization that is)
- Learning needs to be encouraged — books, webinars, trainings & workshops etc
- Everything should be documented and surfaced
- Time, experience and the market place will make you smarter
- Pivot, when presented with new information
One of the ways I am considering getting started on this is by creating a public medium publication and working hard to share the knowledge within my business, as I come upon new knowledge.
Is this something you have considered? is learning and growth an important part of your business? Let me know your thoughts!